about Marian Joy Ring
About Marian
Exotic Massage Choices
Traditional Massage Choices
Purifying Body Treatments
Asian Ceremonies
Facial Massage Treatments
Costa Rica Retreat

Marian Joy Ring LMT
FL MA 26204
FL Provider #50-11417
NCBTMB 145660-00
NCBTMB Provider #271






Marian Joy Ring settled in the Keys over thirty years ago after an eight year trek around Latin America. Her two Masters' degrees were in Creative Writing/Literary Criticism, and Psychology/Counseling. Her first apprenticeship in bodywork was in Massachusetts in 1978. Later she studied shiatsu massage in Brazil. After graduating from Educating Hands in Miami, she went on to become a licensed massage therapist in the state of Florida, certified throughout the US. She then became Board Certified and an approved provider of Continuing Education in the state of Florida and nationally. She speaks four languages. She's been a vegetarian since 1972, involved in dance, fitness and yoga training as well. Her spiritual path has led her to explore many different healing modalities on physical and energetic planes. Working with Spirit draws on her varied international educational background, as well as intensive individual and group training since her arrival in the Keys. She has supported herself here in the Keys as a singer/songwriter, body worker, energy worker, yoga instructor, animal lover, massage Reiki and Higher Energy teacher among many other jobs. She has taught here in the Keys as well as in Brazil and Jamaica. She has melded her eclectic studies, her music, her work with herbs, her travel, her love of language, her joy of life, her choice of path toward wellness, to form a unique, diverse potpourri of healing and purification rituals. Her work allows you to create the level of peace, harmony and balance you seek in your life. She leaves room for joy to unfold.



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